Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Traditional Usage of

Question: Discuss about the Traditional Verses Modern use of Because Today. Answer: Introduction Multiple factors affecting human languages include the geography, gender, socioeconomic, class, age, and ethic factors. The evolving nature of languages reveals differences in sentence structures. Recently, the American Dialect Society voted for the word because as an outstanding new word in an effort to revolutionize language through linguistic innovation (American Dialect Society , 2013). The emergence of technology platforms such as social media continues to create changes in sentence constructions. This investigation bases its findings on the new phenomenon in line with who uses specific language types. With reference to, the frequency of use on social media, gender, regional, socioeconomic, and age factors this study investigates the process of innovating the word because. It provides examples of this improvised language and how people use it online today(Idibon, 2014). Traditional Usage of because Because + preposition The traditional use of because as a preposition connects nouns and pronouns as well as phrases. In this case, its usage comes before a noun and comes with the word of. Because is also a proposition that stands alone in an independent word (Whitman, 2014). This is similar to the usage of the words after, with and on among others. For example, The reason is because he did not ask her out This is possible because black is different from white The preposition shapes the word links in a sentence for example: Immaculate was unable to give a speech because of time It is hard to ignore an interesting comment online because of the group pressure In this case, the sentence construction follows the construction formula involving because + noun Because + subordinating conjunction (clause) Often, because is also effective as a subordinating conjunction in introducing a clause or in complex sentences. For example: Immaculate was early because she was expecting someone important Chris could not reveal everything because they shared secrete affairs I clenched my teeth because they were chattering and he was approaching so fast that I could not match up the speed. Because + Adjective Adjectives spice up a sentence and incorporate more information, descriptive details and comparisons. Linguists continue to embrace the new use of the word because which is different from the standard usage as a clause and a proposition (Garber, 2013). For example, Peter could not cheat because honesty pays The night was quiet because the lazy dog suddenly woke up Mary remains assertive because mature Christians do not beat around the bush I chose the second menu because good soup always adds to the taste The show was hilarious because the funniest in the group was popular It became absurd because noisy drums began to attract dancing moves everywhere Because + Verb The use of because in verbs describing the action are as shown in these examples: The group of students kept quiet because eating time was approaching I could not argue because anointing him as king cleared the air for us When the show started I was excited because idling around was making me sick I was unable to listen to the music because playing children were too noisy Research Procedure Having the traditional or standard approach in mind, I set out to investigate how people use the word because in online communication today. I chose to look at social media with a focus on Facebook and Twitter usage. My choice of participants focused on age. This random sample was oblivious of the age and social status. I looked for Facebook and Twitter users. I used telephone conversations and face-to-face interviews. Although the research was effective, it had limitations because of bias. Some information was not reliable but I gave it a suitable error margin. Whats more, the research involved a small sample of 20 and may not have concrete data. Hypothesis Does age and social media group influence the use of the new because? Research Questions Does age influence communication choice on social media? Is the new because common on Twitter or Facebook? Does social class determine group language interactions online? Is the traditional use of because evident on social media? In what way is the new use of the word because? How different is the new use from the traditional use? What age group uses the new because more often? Experimental materials I used questionnaires to interview 20 participants from the same region and different age groups. With ten questions on the use of the word because for daily communication I interviewed Facebook and Twitter users and made an analysis of their responses. Questions used include (See Appendix): Are there new words used on social media that you find interesting? Among these, which one is of interest to you? Have you noticed anything new with the use of the word because in online communication? Findings From the findings, because is a common slang used more often by twitter users. It is also evident that there are rules for its usage. This has variations depending on the person and emphasis used. A younger age in their 20s had no idea of this words use on Facebook and considered the traditional version more appropriate. The mid-age users who preferred Twitter found it a common word. The older generation would not entertain deviation from Standard English. The table below shows a summary of the respondents in age clusters. Presented in graph, it shows that Twitter has more users of the new because with adults between 31-45 years using it more frequently. Its use could be due to age or class preferences(West, 2012) Discussion Because NOUN The new use of because x revolves around different modes of application. Because as a preposition in modern usage does not contain the word of (West, 2012). As a result, because introduces phrases that have nouns. For example: I will want to have some ice cream, because summer heat! I want to do this business because money! Unable to study because holidays! Studying because Exams! Because + Adjective An adjective is a describing word that gives more information about a noun. The word because describes the reason behind the noun (Laura, 2012). In this case, its link is the adjective for example: I suddenly felt hungry because feasting! He wanted to cater for her up keep because parenting! All eyes wide open because laughing lol! Because + Adverb The origin of because as a noun is traceable to the internet communication, especially on Twitter where it featured as a modifier (McCulloch, 2017). Twitter users are more mature in age than Facebook users. Because in this case has a casual tone. For example: Because + Interjections Most people were happy when the dictatorship ended because Yay! I continued to question his integrity because no! The ice-cream taste was memorable because oooh! It was annoying to hear the same sound because aaah! Conclusion Voted the word of the year, the new because stands out as a clause. (American Dialect Society , 2013). Its new usage supports its use in introducing nouns, adjectives as well as parts of speech in a new nonstandard use. References American Dialect Society . (2013, January 3). :Because" is the 2013 word of the year. Retrieved from ADS: Garber, M. (2013, November 19). English has a new proposition, because internet. The Atlantic. Retrieved April 2, 2018, from file:///C:/Users/BAT/Downloads/2091638_1227896412_EnglishHasaNewPrepositionBecau%20(1).pdf Idibon. (2014, January 15). Innovating because innovation. Retrieved from Idibon: file:///C:/Users/BAT/Downloads/2091635_1442820562_Innovatingbecauseinnovation-Id%20(1).pdf Laura, L. (2012, July 2). Because Reasons. Retrieved from linguist laura: McCulloch, G. (2017, October 3). Where "because noun" probably came from. Retrieved from All Things Lingustics: file:///C:/Users/BAT/Downloads/2091633_191301650_AllThingsLinguistic%20(1).pdf West, L. (2012, July 12). Are Men Going Extinct? Retrieved from Language Log: Whitman, N. (2014, January 8). Behind the dictionary. Retrieved from Visual Thesaurus:

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